Sunday, August 15, 2010

I discovered something new to make!

Hey Everyone,

I discovered a way to make loofas or bath puffs (depending on what you call them). They are super fun to make and very easy. I figure they will be great gifts, and I'm also going to put them on my etsy store :-).

The pink one is easy to see, but the other one is white yarn with specks of green, yellow and blue in it. They are made from 100% cotton yarn and are super soft. Other than that, I'm just making some random things so that I can finally update my store.

Recently I started to sell Avon. Actually I only started last week :-). If anyone who reads this wants me to send you a catalog or anything, please let me know! You can also buy stuff on the Avon site through me. The link is I'm going to be saving up all my money so that I can buy a new car next year. I'm thinking I really want to get a 2011 Rav4. I love my little car, but I am thinking I want to get a little SUV. I am really excited about it.

Well I guess that's all for now, going to be doing random things around my apartment before I go to the Chattanooga Market this afternoon with Karen.

See you soon!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's been a while

Hey everyone!

I know it's been a while since I've written anything on here. There has been so much going on lately. The first big thing is I turned 25 on Monday. It was a great birthday weekend/day. Milan came down and visited me. We ended up going to Ruby Falls, which was absolutely gorgeous.

Those are some of my favorite photos from that day. I really want to go back. The only problem with the tour was that they don't really allow you to stop and take pictures of the different rock formations. I can understand that they need you to keep moving but it would be nice.

Milan and I also went out to dinner a couple times and out to lunch. We got quite a few free desserts by saying it's my birthday! LOL. Also the Chattanooga market was a lot of fun, got a great pair of earrings.

My actual birthday was good, even though I had to work. Everyone from the office took me out for lunch and got me a birthday cake. It was fun. Also I received flowers from Danielle.

Now onto current projects, I did finish the purple baby blanket I was making, just doing the border right now, so when it's done later today, I will take a picture of it. I did start a new baby blanket last night. It's a never ending granny square. It's a fun pattern and super easy. The only difficult part of it is keeping all the yarn from getting tangled. You never cut the yarn until the blanket is done. This one is black and white. Here's a picture of it, I probably will be able to get it done this weekend :-)

And last but not least, it's definite that Milan is moving back to Florida. I took the day off yesterday and drove up to see her and help her pack a little bit. It's sad that I won't be able to see her whenever I want to :-(...but that's ok, we still have skype. We went and saw Step Up 3. I absolutely loved it. The main guy, Luke, is very good looking :-). Those types of movies make me wish I could dance.

But anyways, I'm going to end this post and I plan on doing another post either tonight or tomorrow. Have a good day everyone!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Back from Louisiana

Hey Everyone!

I got back from Louisiana yesterday. It was a good trip, and now I can say I've been there. To bad I wasn't near New Orleans. I really want to go there! My boss and I went to Blue Dog Cafe...they had an amazing cajun crawfish alfredo pasta. It was sooooo good. I would love to go back to Louisiana for that!

Onto other stuff. I'm starting another corner to corner blanket. It's going to be a baby blanket. The colors are going to be purple with white stripes. I'm planning on selling it when it's done. My goal is get my etsy store back up and running again. Hopefully I'll be able to sell some stuff to make some extra money. All the money is going to be going to my macbook pro that I am saving up for. I can't wait to get a new laptop. At least this laptop is still doing pretty good, so I have time to save up :-).

Well gonna go and start the blanket. Maybe I'll take a few pictures of it tonight and see how far I get tonight!

Bye everyone!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Well, I finished my sister's blanket finally yesterday. It looks really good. I am hoping to weave in the ends tomorrow and then it will be ready to ship to her!

In the pictures you can kinda see my new comforter set. I will be taking better pictures of my apartment when I get back from Louisiana. I've actually been unpacking the rest of my stuff that was in my walk in closet...FINALLY. Now my walk in closet will actually be functional.

Onto other random things, my sister is adopting Jenn's dog Shadow. I will be driving Shadow down to Atlanta next Thursday. She is being flown through Pet Airways. The planes are for dogs/cats only. It's really cool. I just wish they had more flights than just the one on Thursday. But at least Danielle will be getting her dog.

I'm gonna end this post for now. I'm currently working on a market/beach bag. I'm planning on selling it on my etsy store. I've really let my etsy store go, but I am working on putting some new stuff on there and hopefully some things will sell. I'll post some pictures of bags as I finish them. They take roughly 3 hours to make, so they are quick and easy projects. I might take a couple skeins of yarn with me to Louisiana to pass the time during my layover and at night when I'm bored in the hotel.

I guess that's all for now!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

I need to stop shopping!

Well this weekend I went up to see my best friend Milan! Oh how I love it when I see her. Last night Milan, Ashley and I went to SilverSpoon Cafe. I love that place, but of course I forgot my leftovers on the table! Go figure.

So today, Milan and I had a girls day out and went shopping. I spent way too much money! I originally was going to buy a dresser, but of course it's too heavy for me to even think about putting it in my car. I bought a comforter set, 2nd nightstand and bookcase for the bedroom. It's gonna look awesome once it's all put together.

I'm planning on cleaning my apartment and cleaning my walk in closet to make it more functional than it is right now. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to take some pictures of my apartment with it looking really good :-)

Well that's all for now, let's just hope I don't have too much trouble putting together the nightstand and the bookcase!

Bye everyone!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Crazy 2 Days

Hey yeah I've had a crazy two insane I've barely been able to work on my sister's blanket. I woke up yesterday to check my bank account only to find out that they had locked it because someone else was trying to use my information...All I can say is that I love Wachovia caught it...but I really didn't need the hassle plus I don't know when my paycheck will show up in the new account! Oh the fun! I'm suppose to go up to Knoxville to visit Milan and to finally see Eclipse. I'm so excited for that, so my check better be in my account!

About 2 hours ago, I finally sat down to work on my sister's blanket, it's getting there. I have about 40 rows left. To put it into perspective for people, the blanket is going to be roughly 160 rows once it's's HUGE! Once I get to under 20 rows, each row will go by super fast. But anyways, I wanted to take a little break. Now back to watching Holmes on Homes and crocheting!

Have a good night everyone!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I'm not done yet :-(

Well I definitely misjudged how long it would take me to finish the blanket :-p. But that's ok. Now I'm on the easy part. Every row will be getting smaller so it will get faster as I go along.

This is an updated picture

As you can see it's definitely almost as big as my queen bed. I can't wait for my sister to get it. :-)

Onto other stuff that is going on. Next week I get to go to Louisiana with work. Granted I will be there for only 1 full day, but it should be fun. I've never been to Louisiana before. I wish I was going to New Orleans, but the company is based out of Lafayette. Well that's all for now, I will update again soon :-) Hopefully i'll have my blanket completely done!